We are committed to sustainable development
We are committed to sustainable development

We are committed to sustainable development

We love our Local Universe, Alt Empordà

A better future is everyone's responsibility. At the hotel restaurant Empòrium *** we are making a considerable effort and investment to be more sustainable by implementing changes that can have a positive environmental and social impact, and in this way make a more sustainable touristic economic activity.


For this reason we have created our own brand to manage all these aspects called Empòrium Sostenible which aims to project and execute viable ideas and innovations to be more consistent with the environment.


Therefore, we work to value resources such as water and the nature that surrounds us; however, we work on waste management and energy management in our establishment; as we also place special emphasis on the projection and enhancement of key elements of our tourist destination and local community.


Our philosophy based on the appreciation and valorization of our environment has been awarded in 2024 with the Green Star in the MICHELIN SPAIN GUIDE.

Empòrium Sostenible - the 3 R's

Recycle, reduce and reuse

At the hotel restaurant Empòrium we consistently and firmly apply the philosophy of the 3 R's.


· We recycle all the waste in our establishment with special emphasis on plastic, glass, paper and fibres. We treat practically all organic waste to obtain a compost of ecological origin since organic waste is ecological.


· We reduce the purchase of products packaged in non-reusable containers such as single-use plastics and glass.


· We reuse glass bottles from the wine served in the restaurant to make elements for our restaurant's service, as we also reuse the broken glass derived from the glasses for the manufacture of new sandblasted glass tableware. We collaborate with local companies for the recovery of waste packaging from our establishment to be consistent in our discourse on material reuse.


Valorization of the local community. We bet on farmers and local companies!

We are Empordà!

This is how we try to relate all the elements that surround us to make possible a seasonal cuisine and the natural landscape of the Alt Empordà; sober but essential; evolutionary and humble but authentic. A kitchen that must manage to be a reflection of our philosophy, opening our local universe to everyone.

The splendor of nature; the fullness of our land; the evolution of tradition.

organic and biodynamic fruits, vegetables and roots of torroella de fluvià and pau
      fish and seafood from artisan fishing from the roses market
                 aromatic and wild herbs
                                                                    beef from our closes
     free-range hen eggs from the Vernar de Baix
                       goat of fire herds
dairies from Girona
                              cereals, flours and rice from Castelló d'Empúries
  aviram de empordà
      historical and traditional preserves, pickles and smoked products
                    oils from the empordà and salt from the head of crosses
use of herbs, fruits and invasive plants


Local plant collection

We follow the unchanging cycle of the seasons

Following family tradition and instinct, we obtain the aromatics, plants, leaves and halophilic herbs that our environment offers us during each season to be able to use in our kitchen.


Composting of organic waste

100% organic and mostly biodynamic waste

Derived from all the organic waste from our Empòrium restaurant (1 MICHELIN star, 1 MICHELIN green star and 2 GUIA REPSOL soles) and Bistrot 1965 we make a natural organic compost based on coffee waste (always organic), vegetables from ecological and biodynamic origin and the cloves of the eggs (great source of lime).

We later use this compost for the fertilizer from our garden of local and Mediterranean herbs that are used to make our gastronomic offer.


Documents in ecological and respectful support

We reuse paper and fibres, avoid waste and reduce water and chemical consumption

We have been working since our origins with Gràfiques Montserrat de Figueres founded in 1897.

Currently, the paper we use is chlorine-free FAVINI SHIRO ECO, made with 100% recycled paper and fibres, FSC certified and CO2 neutral.

The printing of the documents is free of chemicals, absence of the use of water and inks based on vegetable oils

With this we manage to avoid emissions of VOCs (volatile organic compounds), avoid waste water and reduce paper waste.


Local and respectful furniture

Furniture is also important!

Our facilities are made up of mostly locally sourced and respectful furniture.

Some of the furniture elements have, as is the case with the Andreu World furniture, the B Corp certificate and BREEAM certification; is a recognition of efforts to promote the well-being and health of customers, workers, the community, the environment and the planet.


No Teflon, BPA and reduction of plastic in food

A healthy kitchen with ancestral techniques

To reduce the use of plastics in our home, we rely on traditional cooking techniques, which help us drastically reduce the use of plastics for cooking and preserving products. Therefore, we work hard with vinegar pickles from local soleras, preserves, terrines, confits and confits of our own preparation (always packaged in glass). We also use the steam and mixed ovens to avoid using plastics in the long-term cooking with controlled and low temperatures. At the same time, we use in more than 90% cooking that does not need vacuum packaging

We use stainless steel pans, without Teflon or BPA plastics, the use of containers made from rice and recycled materials or the requirement for vegetable and fish suppliers not to use Porexpan containers, for this they provide them with recycled plastic boxes in order to minimize waste and reduce the carbon footprint. Likewise, the vacuum bags used in the restaurant have been carefully chosen, and are biodegradable, compostable and plastic-free, as they are made with organic materials and biopolymers.


Saving energy and water resources

We work to be more optimal and consistent with the environment

We are committed to sustainable development, it is for this reason that we are convinced that a better future is everyone's responsibility.


We achieve energy savings with the implementation of the latest generation machinery, which has led to a 30% reduction in energy consumption in our establishment.


On the other hand, we encourage our customers and guests to use water responsibly by inviting them to reduce their use. We also reuse rainwater to irrigate our local and Mediterranean herb garden which is later used in our gastronomic offer. This garden has also been designed with plants with low water consumption to be consistent in the environment in which we live.


Amenities and ecological and biodegradable cleaning products

The small details are the most important

At the hotel we use ecological and biodegradable amenities and cleaning products, it is for this reason that we support ourselves with prestigious brands to offer this service.


The amenities are GREENKIND where there is no plastic packaging, the plastic used is 100% recycled (rPET), the cardboard is recycled and the accessories are made of straw fibers, bamboo and cellulose. They have the GRS (Global Recycling Standart) certification.


Regarding cleaning products, we use eco-certified chemicals with EU Ecolabel with ecological packaging. All these chemicals are biodegradable and respectful with water.


We also use locally produced CO2 neutral cellulose elements, FSC certification and EU Ecolabel. All free of plastic packaging.
